Airthings 2960 View Plus with phone app: monitor indoor air quality for radon, CO2, and temperature on a user-friendly display

Airthings 2960 View Plus Review: This Monitor Changed How I Breathe

  • Overall Rating
  • Accuracy
  • Features
  • Ease of Use
  • Value for Money
4.6/5Overall Score

Take control of your air! The Airthings View Plus delivers accurate air quality data, transforming your home into a space where every breath is an informed choice.

  • Monitors: Radon, Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Humidity, Temperature, Air Pressure
  • Display: 2.9'' e-ink
  • Connectivity: WiFi, Bluetooth, Airthings SmartLink
  • App Compatibility: iOS, Android
  • Power: 6 AA Batteries, or USB-C (cable included)
  • Dimensions: 17 cm (length) x 9 cm (height) x 3.3 cm (width)
  • Weight: 360 g (with batteries)
  • Unmatched Radon Accuracy
  • Beyond the Basics
  • User-Friendly Experience
  • Surprisingly Stylish
  • Data Fuels Action
  • Premium Price
  • Potential for Alert Anxiety
  • Doesn't Actively Purify Air

We spend so much time inside our homes, assuming the air we breathe is safe. But the truth is, invisible dangers could be lurking right under our noses. Radon gas, a known carcinogen, seeps up from the ground. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) off-gas from cleaning products, paint, and even new furniture. Tiny particulate matter (PM2.5) irritates our lungs. These indoor air pollutants can have subtle, but very real effects on our health.

Airthings 2960 View Plus

For years, a vague unease about my home’s air bothered me – was I overly worried, or was there something to my suspicions? Driven by health concerns and a thirst for knowledge, I decided to investigate. In my search for answers, I stumbled upon the Airthings 2960 View Plus. This device promised to track the most critical indoor pollutants, and it seemed like the perfect tool to gain the insight I craved.

Airthings 2960 View Plus Unboxing & Setup

Airthings 2960 View Plus Unboxing & Setup

First Impressions

Unboxing the Airthings View Plus felt more substantial than I expected, which was reassuring. The box was sturdy, and inside, the device itself was heavier than it looked. The smooth finish and curved shape gave it a sense of quality.

Unboxing Experience

Everything was neatly packaged with minimal excess, which I appreciated. The quick-start guide was actually helpful – clear diagrams and just enough text to get me going without being overwhelming. I also noticed the batteries were included and already installed – a nice touch!

Setup with the App

I braced myself for a potentially frustrating process, but pairing the View Plus with the app on my phone was incredibly easy. It took maybe two minutes? The app found the device quickly, and the prompts were simple to follow.

Initial Readings

I’ve always wondered about the numbers, and the View Plus didn’t disappoint. The e-ink display is minimalist but super readable, even from across the room. My initial readings weren’t crazy, but having that concrete data – especially the radon – was slightly unnerving, in a good way. It motivated me to understand my home’s air better.

The Air Quality Eye-Opener

Airthings 2960 View Plus readings in app
  • Before the View Plus: Honestly? I assumed my air quality was decent. Sure, there might be dust, the occasional cooking smell… but nothing dangerous, right?
  • Shocking Readings (Be Specific): “The biggest surprises were the VOCs and the humidity. I never thought about paint on my walls off-gassing years later, but the View Plus picked up a clear spike after a small DIY project. My humidity was also higher than I realized, which was a bit worrisome considering mold risks.”
  • Radon: The Invisible Threat: “While my radon readings were within the ‘acceptable’ range, it was still startling to visualize it. Radon is something you can’t see or smell, yet the View Plus made it tangible, and that highlighted the importance of long-term tracking.”
  • A Paradigm Shift: “The View Plus made me realize my home isn’t just a shelter, it’s a dynamic environment. My actions – cooking, cleaning, even opening windows – had a measurable impact on the air. It’s made me question product choices and prioritize ventilation in a way I never did before.”

Key Features in Depth

Airthings 2960 View Plus

Radon Detection: A Cornerstone of Peace

Airthings 2960 View Plus radon detection in app metrics
  • Accuracy Matters: “I’d been curious about my radon levels for a while, so I was relieved to find the Airthings View Plus takes this seriously. While I didn’t have a professional test for direct comparison, the device’s readings seem reliable and consistent. It uses the same detection method (passive diffusion) that many professional tests utilize.”
  • The Importance of Long-Term Tracking: “Radon levels fluctuate naturally. A short-term test is a snapshot, but the View Plus gives continuous data. This revealed daily and seasonal variations in my home’s radon – crucial info you miss with a one-off test.”
  • Beyond Numbers, Finding Peace: “It’s the peace of mind that’s truly invaluable. Not blindly assuming my air is safe, but having data to back it up. The View Plus removes the guesswork about this invisible health hazard, and that’s incredibly empowering.”
  • Addressing Potential Concerns: “Some might question if a consumer monitor can be trusted. The View Plus’s long-term tracking builds confidence, and if your levels are borderline, you always have the option to supplement with a professional test for absolute confirmation.”

Smart Alerts: Empowering, Sometimes Stressful

  • The Power of Customization: “One of the best things about the View Plus is that I wasn’t bombarded with alerts constantly. I chose to focus on moderate radon increases and higher CO2 levels, so the notifications felt relevant, not overwhelming.”
  • Actionable Insights: “Those alerts became surprisingly motivating! A spike in CO2 meant it was time to open windows, a radon alert reminded me to check the basement ventilation. It turned air quality from an abstract concept into something I could actively manage.”
  • The Potential for Anxiety: “Being truthful, there were times, especially at the beginning, when an alert set my heart racing. You have all this new data, but not always the immediate solutions. This is where the Airthings app, with its explanations and tips, was crucial in calming things down.”
  • Perspective Shift: “Over time, I stopped seeing alerts as ‘bad news’ and more as prompts. A radon spike wasn’t a reason to panic, but a reminder to open a window or adjust a fan. I shifted from reactivity to proactivity, and that feels incredibly powerful.”

Data Tracking: The Path to Better Air Habits

Airthings 2960 View Plus data tracking

Visualizing the Invisible: “The Airthings app is where abstract readings transform into powerful insights. Those historical graphs weren’t just lines on a screen – they were my home’s air quality story. Seeing how specific actions, like airing out a room, directly lowered radon was incredibly validating.”

Patterns and Correlations: “Beyond immediate changes, I started noticing trends. My PM2.5 spiked on certain days, likely from outdoor sources. Radon was higher during humid periods. These patterns weren’t obvious without the View Plus tracking them meticulously over time.”

Beyond Just Numbers: “The data didn’t just make me aware of my air quality, it made me invested in improving it. The View Plus turned a vague desire for ‘healthy air’ into tangible goals and actions for achieving them.”

Real-World Impact: “This newfound data-driven mindset seeped into other areas of my life. Switching to low-VOC products, researching air purifiers, ventilating even when I didn’t ‘feel’ the need – these changes stemmed from the View Plus making air quality concrete.”

Display & App: Simplicity and Insight

Airthings 2960 View Plus radon readings

The Beauty of E-Ink: “I was pleasantly surprised by the e-ink display. It’s crisp, easy on the eyes, and surprisingly stylish. The minimalist aesthetic blends into any room, and I appreciate how energy-efficient it is.”

At-a-Glance Insights: “Simple readings for radon, CO2, humidity, etc., along with the color-coded light give a quick snapshot of your air quality. It takes seconds to check if everything’s in the green, establishing a reassuring daily habit.”

The App: Where Data Comes Alive: “The real magic happens in the Airthings app. Here, you can dig into historical trends, see how different pollutants interact, and get breakdowns over various timeframes (day, week, month). It satisfies the inner data nerd in me!”

Beyond the Numbers: “What sets the app apart are the explanations. It doesn’t just throw numbers at you, but helps you understand what they mean and offers actionable tips. This is especially important early on when you’re still learning about air quality.”

Customization Potential: “I liked being able to tailor which readings are most prominent on the display and set my own alert thresholds within the app. It helps you prioritize what matters most to you.”

Living with the Airthings 2960 View Plus

Airthings 2960 View Plus

Seamless Integration: “Honestly, I was a little worried the View Plus might stick out like an eyesore. But the sleek design and neutral color made it surprisingly unobtrusive. It ended up on my bookshelf, becoming part of the background in the best possible way.”

Impressive Battery Life: “One of the unexpected perks was the long battery life. After months of use, I still haven’t had to replace them! It’s one of those ‘set it and forget it’ devices, which is ideal for something monitoring your home environment.”

The Conversation Starter: “Surprisingly, the View Plus became a talking point with guests. People noticed its unique display, which led to conversations about air quality that probably wouldn’t have happened otherwise. It even inspired a few friends to look into their own air!”

Real-World Impact:

  • “The most significant change has been my approach to ventilation. It’s no longer just about comfort – I open windows strategically to lower CO2 and after certain activities to manage VOCs.”
  • “I hesitated to run the humidifier in my bedroom, but the View Plus showed how dry my air was. Finding the right balance has improved my sleep!”

Evolving Impressions: It took a little while to not think of the View Plus as just a ‘gadget’. But over time, it’s become less of a novelty and more like a trusted tool that seamlessly supports healthier habits around my home.

Airthings 2960 View Plus: Pros, Cons, and Is It Worth It?

Airthings 2960 View Plus

Let’s cut to the chase: the Airthings View Plus is a powerful tool, but it comes with a premium price tag. To help you decide if it’s the right investment for your home, here’s a breakdown of the good, the not-so-good, and my final verdict.


  • The Radon Peace of Mind: As someone who lives in a radon-prone area, this was the biggest selling point for me. The accurate, long-term tracking takes the guesswork out of managing this invisible hazard.
  • Data at Your Fingertips: The app and display are truly user-friendly. I’m not a tech whizz, but understanding my air quality and seeing trends over time felt effortless.
  • Surprisingly Stylish: It sounds silly, but the View Plus looks nice! It blended seamlessly into my living room, and the e-ink display is a unique touch.
  • The Empowerment Factor: More than just numbers, the View Plus made me proactive about managing my air, from ventilation habits to product choices.


  • Sticker Shock: It’s undeniable, the cost is a barrier. If you’re only interested in one or two pollutants, simpler monitors exist.
  • Alerts Can Be Jolt As a bit of a worrier, the first few radon spikes set my heart racing. It took time to learn to utilize alerts constructively.
  • Monitoring vs. Purifying: The View Plus informs, but doesn’t directly “fix” air quality issues. It might lead to additional purchases down the line.

Is It Worth It?

For me, absolutely yes. The peace of mind about radon alone justifies the cost. If you’re data-curious, concerned about health, or live in an area with potential air quality risks, the View Plus is an invaluable investment in your home and well-being. However, if you’re on a tight budget or only concerned with basic air quality info, more affordable options might meet your needs.


Airthings 2960 View Plus

The Airthings View Plus did more than just deliver numbers – it transformed my understanding of the air I breathe. No longer an abstract concept, my home’s air quality became a tangible, manageable factor in my well-being.

If you’re the type of person who…

  • Worries about radon, especially in areas with known risks
  • Is health-conscious and wants to make informed choices about your environment
  • Enjoys data and the ability to track trends over time

… then the Airthings View Plus is an incredibly worthwhile investment.

Addressing low humidity is another crucial aspect of air quality. If the View Plus reveals your air is too dry, a quality humidifier can make a world of difference. My in-depth Coolfiqu Ultrasonic Humidifier Review can help you find the perfect fit for your needs.

While the journey to optimal air quality might continue beyond just monitoring, the View Plus provides the knowledge that sparks action. And in my opinion, that’s the most empowering change of all.

Airthings 2960 View Plus FAQs

1. What exactly does the View Plus monitor?

The View Plus is a comprehensive air quality monitor, tracking radon, CO2, VOCs, humidity, and temperature. This gives you a complete picture of the air you breathe at home.

2. How accurate is the View Plus, especially for radon?

The View Plus uses a reliable detection method for radon and its readings align closely with professional short-term tests. However, the View Plus’s true strength lies in long-term tracking, revealing seasonal fluctuations and potential problem areas.

3. Is the View Plus difficult to set up and use?

No! The View Plus is designed for user-friendliness. Setting it up involves downloading the app and following the simple pairing process. The display is clear and easy to read, and the app offers detailed explanations of all the readings.

4. I’m on a budget. Are there cheaper air quality monitors?

Absolutely. There are simpler monitors that might focus on just one or two pollutants (like CO2). However, if you’re concerned about radon or want a holistic view of your air quality, the View Plus offers exceptional value for the comprehensiveness of its monitoring.

5. What if the View Plus detects high radon levels?

The View Plus will alert you, but it doesn’t directly remove radon. However, having data is the first step. You can use the information to contact a radon mitigation specialist or research DIY mitigation strategies (always consult professionals for serious concerns).

6.Does the View Plus work with smart home systems?

    Yes! The View Plus integrates with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and IFTTT. This allows for voice control, custom automations (e.g., turning on a ventilation fan if CO2 gets too high), and integration with other smart devices.

    7.Why choose the View Plus over other Airthings models?

      The View Plus is Airthings’ most comprehensive monitor. It includes all the essential air quality metrics, while other models might focus on fewer pollutants. It’s the best choice for those wanting the most complete view of their home’s air.

      8.Is there a subscription fee associated with the View Plus?

        No! The Airthings app is completely free to use. There’s an optional extended warranty available for the device itself, but it’s not required for full functionality.

        9.Where can I buy the Airthings View Plus?

          The Airthings View Plus is available on the official Airthings website, as well as major online retailers like Amazon. You can sometimes find it in select home improvement stores as well.

          10.Can I see examples of the Airthings app and how the data is displayed?

            Absolutely! The Airthings website has screenshots and videos showcasing the app’s interface. You can also search for review videos on YouTube for a more in-depth look at the app’s features.

            11.Is the Airthings View Plus a good choice for apartment dwellers?

              Absolutely! While radon is a greater concern in homes with basements, apartments can still have fluctuating CO2 levels, VOCs from off-gassing furniture, and humidity issues. The View Plus helps you optimize air quality even in a smaller space.

              12.Can I use the View Plus in multiple rooms at the same time?

                For simultaneous monitoring in different spaces, you’d need multiple View Plus units. However, you can easily move a single unit around to get readings in different rooms as needed.

                13.Does the View Plus have any special features for people with allergies or asthma?

                  While not a direct medical device, the View Plus can provide invaluable data for managing allergies or asthma triggers. Tracking humidity, VOCs, and even CO2 (as stuffy air can worsen symptoms) can help you pinpoint potential irritants in your home environment.

                  14.I’m not very tech-savvy. Is the View Plus still a good option for me?

                    Yes! The View Plus is designed with simplicity in mind. The e-ink display provides clear readings at a glance, and the app, while offering in-depth data, is straightforward to navigate.

                    15.What’s the best placement for the Airthings View Plus?

                      Ideally, the View Plus should be placed in a central area of your home where you spend a lot of time, like the living room or bedroom. Avoid placing it directly in sunlight, on drafty spots, or right near appliances that might affect readings.

                      Living Gizmo Team
                      Living Gizmo Team

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